Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 7, 2011 13:07:06 GMT -5
Lol that's awesome! That song makes everyone have a spaz attack. xD
Oh, sorry, I meant they kept playing them on Cartoon Network. My college wasn't awesome enough for Space Jam lol. And I'm sorry! The colleges here aren't that good either, that's why I quit. I'd rather go to beauty school anyways. xD
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Post by Nawt on Jul 7, 2011 13:12:54 GMT -5
Hey, we're finally on at the same time! Awesome! The same thing happened for us in second grade, too lol It came on the radio on the bus (this wasn't too long after Space Jam was released) and we all went nuts! Indiana approves of Space Jam! It doesn't hurt that we have Larry Bird here either lolz Beauty school sounds fun! I went to three colleges here and it was basically the same problems everytime no matter how much money we spent. It's definitely agrivating. The staff is always just a ring leader for the immature students who think it's middle school all over again, ugh!
Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 7, 2011 22:24:09 GMT -5
Aw I wish I would have known! I wouldn't have gotten off. xD
Lol that's awesome!
It does sound fun! I'm pretty excited lol. Oh jeez, I'm sorry. =[ A lot of people at my college were like that too. Though, I mainly quit because the food was nasty and it was too expensive for a career that I wasn't even sure about. xD
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Post by Nawt on Jul 7, 2011 22:29:13 GMT -5
We're both on again right now LOL
What were you going for? I was going for fashion merchandising. But we actually had pretty good food so that part wasn't a problem! At my first college, it was right down the street from an Ihop so I went there all the time, too. Dang, now I want some pancakes lol
We should probably get back on topic again, too ; )
Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 7, 2011 22:45:46 GMT -5
Lol yay! That's kinda funny. xD
I was going for psychology. Haha, I know, beauty school or psychology. Sort of complete opposites there. xD But the food around the school was good, just the food the actual school served was nasty and they make you pay like $3000 to buy a meal plan. I started eating at McDonald's because it felt healthier. That's never good. o.O
Lol yeah, we probably should. We're kinda goin' off on random things now. xD
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Post by Nawt on Jul 7, 2011 22:48:55 GMT -5
Wow, that is random lol You should go to college here! The colleges still suck, but we had an actual Pizza di Roma inside that first college of mine! It was kinda pricey though! And yeah, when McDonalds starts to sound healthy, that's definitely never a good sign lol I actually eat it all the time because that and Wendy's is all we have around here! It's amazing I haven't gained any weight Yeah, back on topic! Hmm... How awesome would an entire Nerdluck store be?
Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 7, 2011 22:57:34 GMT -5
Lol that sounds awesome! But I'm pretty sure if I tried to go to college out of state my friends and family would kill me. xD And you're so lucky you aren't gaining weight on that food. o.o I ate it for five months while I was in college and I gained like 10 pounds. It's all gone now that I left though lol.
That would be amazing! o.o I'd really want a job so that I could buy absolutely everything. xD
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Post by Nawt on Jul 7, 2011 23:05:46 GMT -5
lol If I gained ten pounds, it'd be a miracle! I have the exact opposite problem most people have when it comes to weight. Believe it or not, the judges actually don't like it when they think I look too thin! I lost a lot of weight last February from being sick and I had to drink over seventy Ensures to gain most of it back just to compete... That was annoying, but at least they tasted good!
If there really were a Nerdluck store, I'd walk in, scream, and then probably pass out. Yep, that's exactly what would happen lol
Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 14, 2011 0:09:27 GMT -5
Lol I say we split our metabolisms. xD That would be good.
Haha I don't blame you! I might too. xD If I didn't, I'm pretty sure I'd just run around and buy everything in sight lol.
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Post by Nawt on Jul 14, 2011 0:10:54 GMT -5
Yes, let's split our metabolisms!
Same here! I was just given a credit card (REALLY bad idea!) so I know I'm gonna blow it all on Nerdluck/Monstar swag!
BTW, just sent you a PM on here! ^^
Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 14, 2011 14:29:24 GMT -5
Lol uh oh!!! That happened to me with my debit card. xD I'm resisting the credit card until I can find a job haha. It's hard though lol.
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Post by Nawt on Jul 14, 2011 14:34:36 GMT -5
lol It really is! I'm thinking that I may have a decent shot at finding a job in the next week or two (or a bit more) so I'm really, really hoping everything will work out! I only want to work on weekdays though; I'm starting to do too many pageants to work on weekends and I need to get in as much practice time as I can get at this level.
Hmm... If they made a Nerdluck purse, would you buy it?
Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 14, 2011 14:44:56 GMT -5
Aw well I hope it works out too!!!
Lol heck yes I would! x3 That would be amazing. Especially since I need a new purse lol. Would you?
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Post by Nawt on Jul 14, 2011 15:25:43 GMT -5
I'm good on purses right now, but I could definitely make room for a Nerdluck purse, especially if Nawt's on it! It'd be a great conversation starter and a way to spread the word around about the Nerdlucks and hopefully gain some new fans!
Post by beautifulmonster1318 on Jul 21, 2011 15:21:08 GMT -5
Lol yeah, there definitely need to be more! Though my Space Jam fan art gets more views than anything else on my dA so I don't understand. xD